Sunday, March 14, 2010

Upcoming Candidate forums:

From Andy Hagen:

Monona Community Cable to Sponsor Two Candidate Forums

Monona School and Community Cable (Channels 98 and 990) will sponsor two Candidate Forums on March 21st before the April 6th Election.
The first forum, for the Monona City Council, will be held from 4:00 to 6:00 on March 21st in the Community Media Room of the Monona Public Library. Questions for the candidates may be written at the forum, or called in during the live broadcast, to (608) 442-6601.
The second forum, for the Monona Grove School Board, will be held from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Monona Grove High School I.M.C. Questions for the candidates will also be accepted at the forum or by phone. However, questions for the School Board must be phoned in between 12:00 and 3:00 pm on March 21st to (608) 221-7666 extension 3133. Staff will not be able to answer the phone during the taping.
The League of Women Voters will provide an impartial moderator for each event, and both forums will be rebroadcast on Monona Community Cable Channel. Copies will also be available for viewing at the Monona Public Library, and on a few days after each taping.


Anonymous said...

what is the point of a "forum" candidate will say what they want and then vote-well who knows.

Anonymous said...

I hope there will be a candidate forum next year when Jessica Ace is up for re-election. We can ask her about it then.

Anonymous said...

And let's hope Jessica runs again. Standing up and making what might be seen as unpopular decisions, in an effort to provide for all children in the district, deserves a measure of respect from voters.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

"to provide for all children in the district"

What was not being provided to the children?

Peter Sobol said...

post removed for violation of "Don't assign motives to others" rule.

Anonymous said...

"What was not being provided to the children?"

A cohesive, integrated, full-fledged 6th grade education at the district's new middle school. Now it will be, thanks to the efforts of Jessica and five of her colleagues on the school board.

Anonymous said...

"A cohesive, integrated, full-fledged 6th grade education at the district's new middle school."

1. Cohesive. We had that as agreed to by the referendum which was a compromise for the whole district.

2. full-fledged 6th grade education

What was missing from their curricu. The only thing I heard was foreign language teachers are not around as much.

3. "integrated"
The district voted and we did not want them "integrated."

Frankly, the board doing this smacks of only we know what is best for the children.

I, I I always am fearful when someone who says it was for the children. IMHO, IMHO, 99% that is a veil for some other motive.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Jessica is in that 1%.

Anonymous said...

The referendum was flawed -- probably good for the district in the long run, but it messed with this district's long tradition of educating 6th graders together. Some people voted for it while holding their noise, in particular over the 6th-grade split. I believe at the time principals and administrators said splitting the 6th grade could work, not that it was ideal. If the district's educators say it's better to have 6th graders brought together, I'm glad we have a strong board majority that listens to them.


Anonymous said...

"in an effort to provide for all children in the district, deserves a measure of respect from voters."

This is another citizens arrest-this post applies motives to others and breaks the rule you use when people post something you do not like.

Anonymous said...

"in an effort to provide for all children in the district..." an attempt to succintly summarize the rationale given by Jessica at the meeting for her decision, and thus doesn't rise to the level of comments needing censoring. I belive she said she tried to find a way to vote against the measure, but couldn't, believing it was in the best interest of the education of 6th graders in the district.

Video here:

Anonymous said...

The referendum was flawed

I agree we should have remodled and expanded it and saved money.

Most comprimises are flawed and because everyone looses and everyone wins. Historically, when one party or another tries to correct the flaws it leads to wars-just saying.

Anonymous said...

" belive she said she tried to find a way to vote against the measure, but couldn't, believing it was in the best interest of the education of 6th graders in the district.


Yep that is what she said.

Anonymous said...

At this point, I don't really care what Jessica SAID. What is important to me, and to my children, is how she VOTED. That's all I need to remember. And that's all I will remember. Especially when I enter the voting booth next year.

Anonymous said...

"That's all I need to remember. And that's all I will remember. Especially when I enter the voting booth next year."

Good luck with that, considering the earliest she's eligible to be on the ballot will be when her term is up in 2012.

Anonymous said...

When are voters going to realize that voting your zip code is futile? If you voted for someone from your own community because you thought they would take your "side," you deserve to be disappointed because history shows that disappointment is inevitable. The majority of school board members vote based on the interests of the entire district. Occasionally someone comes along who cannot make the leap to representing the entire district and not just their own community, but they end up becoming irrelevant because a group of one can't get anything accomplished on their own. If you want to elect an irrelevant board member, go for it, but you are wasting your vote.

Anonymous said...

"When are voters going to realize that voting your zip code is futile?"

The reality is most of the district does that already.

Anonymous said...

"most of the voters do that already."

That was my point and when people do that, they get disappointed because it backfires. If we want board members to represent just a portion of the district, then we should apportion the school board sets geographically. We cannot tell board members to represent the entire district and then slam them when they do exactly that.

Anonymous said...

"If we want board members to represent just a portion of the district, then we should apportion the school board sets geographically. "

Since this thread has been about 6th grade what does combining the grades have to do with rep. the whole district?

Further, when candidates make statements like: "I will not and I will never" and then change their mind.

Look at the Obama situation-how often did he say he would end the war within a year or some such silliness and now he is pumping more soliders into the war. Citizens voted for him because he made statements that they liked or beleived in and ....he did that to get elected...

Why shouldn't people feel sadness, betrayal or name your emotion when the result is different than they had been promised or pledged. Some will get over it, some will move and some will be bitter but I can see their point.

Anonymous said...

when did any of the current board members say they would never support Monona 6th graders going to Glacial Drumlin?

Anonymous said...

"Further, when candidates make statements like: "I will not and I will never" and then change their mind.

In general about general issues not this issue. That issue is different-

Anonymous said...

I may be odd one out, but as much as I HATE the idea of my child not being local for middle school or 6th grade--it makes sense for many valid reasons to put them out at GD.

Furthermore, the school is built. It is there for middle school kids. Get over it people. Water under the bridge. Stop beating the is dead. We can not undo the referendum (which I didn't support in the form that passed). Get over it. no matter if you blame Jessica Ace for something she did or didn't do, it doesn't make GD go away or the outcome of the last referendum.

Jessica said...

Just in case we haven't whacked this particular horse enough, please check out my thoughts on the consolidation of our sixth grade programming on my blog:

Anonymous said...

Are we really going to privatize our janitorial service? I think the quality of experience that they staff (from what I have seen) is wonderful and would be sadden to see that changed. I know when Winneq. tried privatization a few years back it was was messy-ha-seriously.

Anonymous said...

"Are we really going to privatize our janitorial service?"

Wasn't the new rule that you can't be critical of budget cuts without offering alternatives to cut?

Anonymous said...

"Wasn't the new rule that you can't be critical of budget cuts without offering alternatives to cut?"

Wasn't that your rule?

Peter Sobol said...

"Are we really going to privatize our janitorial service? "

I agree the proposal will represent a real loss, but there is no way to take $1M out of the budget without reducing the services we are providing to students.

Anonymous said...

This article is interesting.

Anonymous said...

So does this mean that members of a public board can not talk about an upcoming issue even one-on-one until the brd meeting?

I mean how is business suppose to get done?

Anonymous said...

"So does this mean that members of a public board can not talk about an upcoming issue even one-on-one until the brd meeting?

I mean how is business suppose to get done?"

Are you making accusation that board memebers are talking about how they are going to vote before they vote?