Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Sunday WSJ lead editorial advocates for cooperative ventures and mergers among Wisconsin local governmental units to improve services and decrease costs. I'm wouldn't advocate for merging thg MG school district, but I do think we should seriously investigate cooperative arrangements for some services. Neighboring districts are all in a same financial boat, and cooperative arrangements might make it possible to do a better job delivering services, lowering costs or both.

Enter the Local Government Institute with a February report detailing the processes of local government cooperation and a discussion of several case studies.

1 comment:

que sera sera said...

What we SHOULD do is create a consolidated Dane County SD! Other states have county school districts. Wisconsin is moving (ever so slowly) to eliminate the redundant layers of local town, village and city government. This model is more efficient (something to consider in difficult budgetary times) and reduces geographical boundary disputes. But because it makes sense, it will never happen.

The McFarland SD, Deerfield SD and CG portion of mGSD should consolidate. Let monona have what they want - their own little SD.

Life will go on...