Sunday, September 21, 2008

Enrollment - 2008/9

Preliminary 2008-9 enrollment numbers show a total of 3076 students "in seats" as of 9/10. This includes 85 4k students and community daycare sites, 107 4k students at Maywood and TP, and 133 open enrollment in (vs. 39 oe out).

Our total FTE (full-time equivalent) is 2892 (This number excludes our open enrollment in and counts our open enrollment out). This represents an increase of 141 FTE students over last year. Subtracting 4K students there is a net increase of 26 new students not counting the net open enrollment.


Anonymous said...

numbers are up in Monona-right?

Anonymous said...

And are the numbers up in Monona because more kids actually live in Monona, or because of open enrollment? If the numbers are up because of open enrolling kids, then we are not doing any better job of attracting and retaining then we were several years ago.