Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Education Podcast

I think there is a mismatch in the importance placed on education (at least judged by the money we spend on it!) and the lack of coverage it receives in the media. What news we do get tends to focus on local issues but don't give us a larger perspective on the education issues facing the nation. It is one reason I regularly listen to John Merrow's "Education Podcast" on my mp3 player (usually while walking Doogie!)

The podcast features interviews with teachers, principals, superintendents and even inner city single parents, but the emphasis is always on academic achievement. Recently they have had a series of speakers on the "Democracy at Risk" report - a follow up to the well known "Nation at Risk" report issued 25 years ago. Alternate perspectives are always thought provoking and help bring our local issues into focus, so I recommend to anyone looking for a wider view that they invest a few minutes with this podcast.

The podcasts can be downloaded from the link above or at Itunes.

1 comment:

www.LearningMatters.tv said...

Thanks for the mention and I'm glad you enjoy our podcasts! Please let us know if there are any topics or issues that you think we should address.