Thursday, March 10, 2011

A tale of two governmental bodies...

Last night the school board met in both closed and open session. In compliance with the WI Open Meetings law our meeting was properly noticed more than 24 hours in advance and accommodations were made for the public to attend and participate. Our closed session stuck rigorously to the topics that were noticed and are allowed exemptions.

Another governmental body of the state also met last night at the same time.  However that body betrayed a contempt for both the open meetings laws and the public interest in open debate and transparency. 

Why the double standard?


Anonymous said...

Don't worry...Walker probably has it written in his "Open for Business Bill" that the meeting laws will be eliminated "for cost savings measures" with collective bargaining and recycling funding

Chris said...

Well said.

Can you post a recap of the board meeting?

Anonymous said...

One was an emergency. One wasn't (yours).

Peter Sobol said...

The state open meetings law requires notice, even for emergencies. Besides - there is no emergency. The bill passed had all fiscal provisions removed - so it can't help balance the budget, hence no emergency.