Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Upcoming issues:

Wednesday's meeting is a "Committee of the Whole" - we will discuss but not act on any items.  Here are some significant ones:
E.  Discussion Items/Policy Review
1. Presentation of the Parking Lot Concepts for Monona Grove High School and Access Changes to
 Monona Drive – Tom Lynch, Strand Associates      
As the reconstruction for Monona drive goes past the high school the entrance to the parking lot on the south side of the building needs to be relocated to make room for a protected left turn feature in the center of the road.  The board is considering some of the options, which include moving the drive north so that it is opposite Lofty Ave, or moving it south so it is midway between Lofty and Springhaven.  This second option would likely result in the removal of some of the trees in the corner of the lot.  In either case we would need to reconfigure the parking, but it is possible to add several spaces.
3. Update on Employee Handbook  Process       (10 Min)
Our current contracts with employees will expire in July of 2012.  By that time the district has to have a "handbook" in place that replaces the current contract and codifies in policy the relationship between the school district and its employees.  I view this document as the most important project before the board as it will impact all aspects of operations for the foreseeable future.

7. High School Course Proposals: Paul Brost and High School Teachers
  Physics, Honors Physics , Introduction to College Writing , AP Music Theory, and After
  School At-Risk Program       (30 Min) 
Paul Brost and the High School staff will be presenting information on these proposed classes.


Anonymous said...

I think a clarification about how teachers and coaches use social media to communicate to students would be a good idea. I have seen some statements this year that would raise eyebrows-thanks.

Peter Sobol said...

Can you give me a little more to go on? Please send me an email!

Anonymous said...

HI Peter,

I will put it this way-you have school sancationed groups with unsancationed facebook groups. There is nothing you can do to stop that fact-I know.

However, do you think that it is a good idea to have school employees communicating to those students with facebook? What if a teacher said something that incited something? It is very easy for this record to be deleted or even changed. I think it would be more appropriate for them to use the districts e-mail program.

Anonymous said...
