Friday, June 25, 2010

Not much to report these days:

I spent much of the day participating in the interview process with candidates for the position of Business Services Director to replace the departing Mary Ellen VanValin.  Although only time will tell if anyone can  live up to the high standards set by Mary Ellen, I think we were pleased with the quality and experience of the leading candidates for the position and I'm satisfied that we have some good options from which to choose.


Anonymous said...


can you report on the $300k in teacher salary over payments? us tax payers wanna know.........

Peter Sobol said...

I don't have much to report. There apparently where some overpayments due to misclassification but the total amounts aren't known yet. I've asked Craig Gerlach to report on this at our next board meeting.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any answers on this problem yet? What is the scope? Are they repaying the monies that were overpaid? Who owns the mistake?