Monday, September 28, 2009

Annual Meeting Next Monday

The annual budget of the school district requires approval each year at a meeting of the electorate. This year's meeting will be Monday October 5th at 7p.m. at Glacial Drumlin school. Note that this is not a meeting of the School Board, but a meeting of the electors (eligible voter's) of the district.

The 2009-10 budget publication can be found here. In the past this has been sent out as a flier to all residences in the district, this year we chose not to send it out as a way to save a little money. A more detailed budget publication will be available at the meeting and district offices.

In Brief (all numbers are as budgeted, actual expenditures will vary):
Total general fund expenditures will increase about $1.5M to $33,947,100, about 4.4%. 71% of the district budget goes to salaries and benefits, so they are the main driver of increasing expenditures. Health insurance premiums alone will increase 9% this year. Total expenditures (including debt service, special ed., food service, capital projects & etc.) will be $49.26M

Much of the increased expense will be offset by increased state revenue, with the state's share increasing $2.2M, largely as a result of the 4-K program enrollment. Under the state's revenue limit formula the impact on the total levy will be small, an increase in total of $100,000 (0.48%) to $23,249,000. The remaining difference between revenue and expenses will be met by taking about $600,000 out of the fund balance.

Reduction of the fund balance to pay operating expenses is of particular concern. Although we can afford it this year, continued deficit operation is unsustainable - reducing the fund balance further will increase our borrowing expenses.

The state also shows a 2% increase in the total equalized value of the district ($1.915B) - the result is mill rate of 12.14- essentially unchanged from last year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that making up the deficit with the fund ballance is risky and should not continue.
I seem to recall that stimulus funds also helped this year, so stimulus + fund ballance = big cuts in the next 2 years.
It seems to make more sense to spread it out over time