Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Garden Drumlin School

Kristi Williams presented her vision for a community supported school garden on the Glacial Drumlin grounds at today's Business Services Committee meeting. Kristi plans to connect teaching staff and community members to develop a school garden as a way to educate and provide enrichment to our middle school students. The committee has recommended to the board approval of the proposal to use the identified property for the purpose of the garden.

Interested gardeners can contact Kristi by phone at 839-4758.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone thought about that the ratio of gardens to kids in CG is going to be mucher higher than in Monona and is this fair?

Anonymous said...

I am also concerned about the inequity this presents.

Does Winnequah have a garden? If not, a garden shall be provided immediately, in keeping with the Board's practice that no action shall be taken in one community if it can't be replicated immediately in the other.

Anonymous said...

I think the garden is fine as long as we don't allow any CG fifth or sixth graders to touch it or look at it. That way, we can ensure complete equity! ;-)

However, the school forest behind CG school is a much bigger problem. I guess we should cut it down, sell the lumber, and use the proceeds to fund the Maywood principal!

Anonymous said...

you know, it is these kind posts that kinda drive me nuts.

yet-I feel like the board encourages this kind of talk and discussion by their own actions.

the schools are different, the communities are different and we are one district.

things are never going to be equal and the board and folks should just get used to that fact....never has and never will be.

Anonymous said...

oh for pete's sake. These people are all kidding! Lighten up. There's nothing wrong with a little humor now and then. We're using humor to agree with you and point out the absurdity of trying to get things "equal."

Anonymous said...

Monona already HAS a school forest, its on Pheasant Hill road by Nichols. Funny they can't remember that considering the stink they made about it at an annual meeting a few years back.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, does anyone have a sense of humor any more? The first three posts, I believe, were meant to be funny. Ya know, poking fun at all the people who are constantly scrutinizing whether things are "fair." Get it? haha?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If one cannot find a little humor here and there in the MG situation, then I suggest a trip to a place on our planet where our fellow human beings actually have real problems. Get some perspective. There is nothing to be bitter about. Save bitter for when your home, family and those you love have been swept away by flood or war. Bitter is for losing a child in an earhtquake. Bitter is for losing everything you've worked your lifetime for.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


I mean there was plenty of hanging people out on the cross on both sides.


Anonymous said...

Why are you deleting these posts? I can understand the ones that name names, but that first one hit the nail on the head.

Are you afraid that it is all too true?

Anonymous said...

Monona has a school forest?

Yes, it has about 6 to 12 trees.